Garage floors

If you want to add new life and durability to your garage door epoxy is your answer. Or maybe you want to convert your garage into a playroom. man cave or she shed. With all the epoxy options available today you can truly transform your garage.
Epoxy is not just a paint like a semi-gloss or an enamel that you can simply roll on. An epoxy floor is a multi-part process but don’t worry we can handle every phase of your garage floor transformation. An epoxy floor coating will adhere to your garage floor or any concrete floor for that matter way better than any conventional oil based, water or enamel paint. And your floor will have a much more dramatic look to it with a super high gloss finish no conventional paint can match.
In addition, epoxy flooring is waterproof, mold & mildew proof making it perfect for garages. Our epoxy coatings are available in many different colors with custom colors and designs available for larger size floors. We also have decorative color flakes that can be added into the epoxy for a granite type look.
Check Out Some of These Cool Garage Epoxy Floors